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Baton Wars


This small modification that changes all of the weapons to batons and all of the ammo to baton batteries.

Author: Checker


Catch Up Campers


This modification changes the Rail Driver. Modifications include the following: The rail fire is now green instead of blue, 3 rails fire consecutively then reload, 12 rail holding capacity, has the zooming scope from the Precision Rifle, and the rail now Geo-Mods!

Author: $p!n#z@

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Flame Grenade


This is a small mod that changes the Rocket Launcher. The primary fire is changed to a large flame thrower with endless fuel count and the secondary fire is changed to a grenade launcher.

Author: Fizz_36

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This mod changes the C4 into a frisby that flies a nice distance and makes a humming noise when planted. Everything works like the C4, except it flies further and looks like a frisby.

Author: PhilSim:1

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Full Screen Scopes


This mod changes the scopes on the Precision Rifle, Sniper Rifle and Rail driver to be a more sleek and redefined full screen scope. It also includes some stock sounds from the Red Faction Demo.

Author: {FM}Trashthrasher

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This modification includes red lasers on most weapons, larger blast radiuses from the rocket launcher, a geomodding shotgun and some other weapon changes.

Author: D2K

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Laser Fun


This is a little fun mod. Almost everything for weapons is changed, including capek canes in 3rd person view, electric grenades, flaming assault rifle, torpedo sniper, ricocheting shotgun lasers and more.

Author: Mclaren F1

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Multi Mine


This mod allows more than one C4 charge to be thrown at a time. You can layup to 50 C4 charges before detonating them! To detonate them you have to select the baton to get your detonator?

Author: Unknown

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No Geo Limit


This little mod will in some cases remove the geomod limit of 128. It seems to work differently on different systems, but for the most part it will increase the geomod limit by some means. The limit is mainly decided on the system that is running the mod.

Note: Using this mod will decrease the stability of Red Faction and may cause it to crash.

Author: CyberClaw


Railgun Only


This is a small modification that changes all the guns in maps into Rail Drivers, and all the ammo in maps into Rail Ammo. You can use the mod on any maps to turn existing maps into Rail Only Maps instead of editing other peoples maps.

Author: Dreamstation


Rubber Walls


This mod makes walls act like hard rubber and bounce bullets and rockets right back at you. Bounce around corners, or clear out a room with a bouncing exploding grenade, really adds a new perspective to smaller maps.

Author: Unknown

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This is a very small modification that really just adds a second shotgun that removes the doubleshot as secondary fire. It now only uses one round instead of two.

Author: FuryThoR




A small mod that enables you to lay multiple C4 charges and then select an alternate weapon (the detonator) to blow them all up. The download also includes a modified Glass House level and the mod is also MultiPlayer compatible when running the mod, however you will have to find a different way to blow up the C4 charges because the secondary detonator weapon will not work on MultiPlayer servers.

Author: FuryThoR

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Tye-dye Precision Rifle


This is a small mod that puts a groovy new skin on the Precision Rifle that is a multi colored tye-dye effect for all you hippie's out there to trip out on!

Author: Trashthrasher

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This is a small mod that changes a few of the weapons. The rocket launcher shoots rockets at a much slower speed, the shotgun shoots two explosive projectiles that cause large geo, and every weapon now shoots little circular projectiles as bullets.

Author: D2k

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Weird 2


The first version was "weird", but this version is very weird! The weapons include anywhere from flying fish and UFOs, to singing fat Cartmans and C4 chicken. Almost every weapon is changed in its own uniqe weird way. Very good entertainment, a must download for a good laugh!

Author: D2k

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Zoomed Reticles Fixed


This small modification replaces the zoomed reticles (sniper rifle, Precision, Railgun) with new ones with sharper edges that look alot better. The ctf flag status box is no longer in your FOV while zoommed.

Author: acidburn

Screenshot 1

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